The Biggest Secret of All Times- Part Two
In this second article about the biggest secret, we will reveal what SAD secret intelligence services found in the mountains in Romania....
Aliens’ Tools Or Ancient Animal?
Do you know what Kosmopoisk Group is and what these guys have been doing for a past decade? Well, the a well- trained bunch of...
Strange Lights Over Texas
At the first sight, one might thing Marfa is just an ordinary small city in Texas, similar to other small cities in the state of the...
Hidden History- Ancient Airplanes
According to the Greek’s mythology, Icarus and his father Daedalus were the first men who managed to fly. Daedalus has made the wings...
What happened Over Roswell?
For all truly conspiracy theorists and self-esteemed UFO investigators, there is just one case that is considered as the Bible in this...