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The Truth About The Vampires

Legends about vampires are so popular among fans of horror, and the trick is that they are actually based on pure truth. People who are terrified of daylight, have yellow teeth like fangs, nails like animal and allergy to garlic really exist, not to mention those who wear mostly black clothes, they have implanted fangs and bite elderly ladies (sometimes move on to the younger). Incidentally, the fact that attacking old ladies is not a myth; in the region of Kaliningrad a teenager killed two pensioners during a special ceremony of vampires. The cruelest event took place in the UK some four years ago. Then the seventeen-year teenager slaughtered his neighbor, ripped out her heart and drank blood to gain immortality.

Almost every nation has legends about vampires, who are hunting people at night and drinking their blood. In these legends, vampires are cruel, heartless, decomposed creatures. For instance, in Slavic mythology, it is thought that a vampire will not escape from the grave if you throw corn in it. The vampire will, it is believed, be busy all night by counting the crops.

And then, the image of the vampire changed. Today, it is an enigmatic sexy superstar who possesses unusual features: likes blood, hates garlic and fears the sun. In the Middle Ages, the legend of vampires complemented with the information that they're afraid of holy water. This story was a myth until 1963, when a British doctor Li came to a startling discovery: the vampire-werewolf is nothing more than a victim of genetic pathology called porphyria.

This is a very rare disease - one of the 20 000 people have it. The body does not produce red blood cells in the blood and the person does not have enough oxygen and iron as the sunlight causes the disintegration of hemoglobin. When a person suffering from porphyria is exposed to the sun, skin, he will soon get ulcers and wounds and can die very quickly. The disease can also cause deformation of the nose, the ears and the cartilage; fingers begin to bend; the skin around the mouth becomes dry and reveals gums that assume a yellowish color because the porphyrin precipitates on the teeth. Garlic that stimulates the production of red blood cells in the body of a healthy person, causes amplification of symptoms in affected individuals. This is all accompanied by sharp and strong pain.

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