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The Secrets of the Bible

The final editing of the works of Jewish Bible was made at the Great Assembly in the time of Persian rule. Originally, the books of the Bible was written on parchment scrolls. From Ezra's time, the Jewish Bible was written in Aramaic, while the Samaritans kept the old Phoenician. The preservation of the biblical text was the task of scribes, who founded the practice of reading the Bible. Since the Hebrew language does not originally recognizes vowels, they are added in transcription after the signs for vowels.

Christians divides the Bible in the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament includes 39 proto-canonical (identical with the Hebrew canon) and seven Deutero-canonicals.

New Testament, written in the second half of the first century, includes 27 books: the four Gospels (Mark, Matthew, Luke and John), Acts 21 letter (14 Apostles Paul and 7) and Revelation (Apocalypse).

The autographs of biblical books do not exist, but many of their transcripts are so-called textual witnesses. Using them, the biblical doctrine seeks rigorous scientific methods to prepare a more reliable text of the Bible, the so-called critical edition of the Bible.

Jews interpret the Bible literally and preaching, asking its hidden, deeper meaning, interpret it from II. st. B.C. until today (Midrash, Halacha, Haggadah, etc.). In recent times, the Jewish interpreters of the Bible take into account the results of archeology and other sciences, as well as the approach of the Christian Bible commentaries.

Christians interpret the Bible from the beginning II. century and the Alexandrian school was represented by an allegorical interpretation, Antioch schools literal interpretation. In medieval scholasticism, there was further developed methods of interpretation: literal, allegorical, moral or mystical interpretation.

Catholics in the interpretation of the Bible following the tradition of the Church and the Magisterium of the Church, and Protestant churches rely mostly on personal inspiration.

On September 1994, American journalist M.Drosnin flew to Israel to warn the president of the local governments Yitzhak of a danger and conspiracy. Because of the lack of contacts, a journalist and writer from New York gave Rabin’s friend, writer Saima Guri, a letter. It was a warning to the assassination, which will later actually happen.

'I'm afraid, "he wrote, that you are in mortal danger, but at the same time, I believe that this risk can be bypassed and avoided ... '

Guri was considered, but he also said to the American that Israeli President will not pay attention to this, but he still delivered a letter to the competent ministry.

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