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Great Mystery Of Tuthankhamun’s Tomb

One of the most famous archaeological discoveries, Tuthankhamun’s tomb, was discovered in 1922. Tomb of the boy pharaoh launched an avalanche of Egypt popularity in the rest of the world, particularly the sarcophagus of Tutankhamun and the golden death mask.

Research in the Valley of the Kings at that time was over, and the valley was seen as a place where there is nothing to discover. This was not strange, especially when we know that scientists searched all this area very detailed. But one man remained steadfast, despite years of failure and the catastrophic financial situation that threatened the closure of investigations. Convinced that will find the tomb, Howard Carter continued excavations and managed to find the tomb of Pharaoh about to almost nothing was known.

After opening the tomb, he was in for a surprise unbelievable. There were 6 carriage, 4 ceremonial beds, 130 poles and an enormous amount of necklaces and other jewelry. But when he came to the funeral hall, Carter remained in shock.

He found the 4 chests, placed one within the other and within the last was a stone sarcophagus with three anthropoid sarcophagus, also placed one inside the other. The last was of pure gold, and within it was a pharaoh's mummy was wearing the famous gold, and all that was in the coffin of pure gold, which had more than 110 kg.

The mask of Tutankhamun

In the entire tomb, there was found more than 3,500 objects, mostly made of solid gold. Carter found a single tomb in the Valley of the Kings that was not looted.

With the opening of the tomb is linked to the legend of the curse of Tutankhamen. In early 1922, Lord Carnarvon, Carter's partner and main financier received a message from the Lord Haman, then the most famous occultist in London in which he warned her not to open the tomb. It said: "Lord Carnarvon. Do not go to the tomb. When disobedience danger. In contempt of the disease. Never again healthy. Death will find in Egypt."

Carnarvon ignored the message and really found death in Egypt. He died of pneumonia caused by the bite of mosquitoes. A total of 22 people from the expedition died shortly after the opening of the tomb.

But Howard Carter died only 17 years later at age 64.

Discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb and today is considered one of the most important events in the study of ancient Egyptian culture.

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