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The Biggest Cover Up Of The World War Two

Japanese General Shiro Ishi and his Unit 731 in brutal experiments from 1935 to 1945 tortured and killed between 200,000 and 500,000 people using chemical and biological weapons.

However, the crimes of this horrible Japanese Mengele have never been punished because American occupation forces gave him immunity in return for the results of its "research".

According to these statements, covering up the monstrous crimes had worse epilogue - Ishi moved to the US, where he continued to work on the development of biological weapons.

- The brutal activities of Unit 731 about 40 years have been the best-kept secret of the Second World War. Allied military desperately wanted to take discoveries of all monstrous scientists. Therefore, scientists from Fort Detrick in Maryland, the US base of biological warfare, rushed to investigate the Japanese colleagues. After an investigation, in Washington sent a message: "From the information collected, it is clear that the group led by Ishi had violated the rules of war. This is an opinion, not a recommendation that the group tried as war criminals. "And Allied military did not judge any of them - says researcher David Gajate.

He says that it seems that it was not important to anybody that the Unit 731, located in the Chinese city of Harbin and presented as a sawmill, could be compared with the camp in Auschwitz.

People "logs"

- Scientists from 731 units called their victims "logs" and it illustrates how they were treated - like a tree, not as people. Although many people today call this camp "Asian Auschwitz", it had a rather benign name: Department for the prevention of epidemics and water purification. Nevertheless, it was a place of some of the most horrific experiments on human beings in history - writes journalist Jeffrey Rindskopf.

In the complex, according to estimates, was killed at least 200,000 people, mostly Chinese and Koreans captured in war, and the soldiers of the Red Army and the US Army.

Bombs and sweets with plague

- Unlike European twin camp, Unit 731 did not choosing the victim because of nationality or religion, because the “logs” were ordinary prisoners. They were dying in different ways - they killed them with bacteria and viruses, suffered from the consequences of amputation, died during testing explosive weapons ... Most of them died on the surgical table, during the operations for which there was no need. Individuals were cut hands just to examine the consequences of blood loss. Parts of the body of living people were frozen only to reveal whether there is a cure for frostbite. Some prisoners were detained in the gas chamber and killed - said Rindskopf.

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