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Beware Of The Humanoid Hybrids- They Are Among Us!

This theory refers to a number of indications that some alien species for centuries perform hybridization as a method of genetic intervention between humans and other species. They were created in order to prepare the planet for a new era in which people will serve "visitors". Sound interesting. We say it is more scary than interesting.

The greatest evolutionary mystery concerning our foundation does not have official explanation so far. Before some 30 thousand years Homo sapiens Neanderthals in a fairly short period of time disappeared from our planet, and almost simultaneously appeared Homo sapiens.

Accordingly, even claim that the entire human race is actually a laboratory product whose development occurs in cycles is not unrealistic, sometimes with more, sometimes with less "intervention on the side".

The question that arises occasionally is: Why is all this happening? Whether it is benevolent help of a superior species of the universe or only their selfish interests? This dilemma is not irrelevant.

Clone factories

According to one, which is the most widespread theory, hybridization of people with alien species is part of a long-term plan of creation of a civilization of slaves on earth. This theory refers to a number of indications that some alien species for centuries performing hybridization of the human species as a process of genetic intervention between humans and other species (Lat. Genus) at the level of the structure of their genomes.

As a confirmation this theory, there were cited numerous cases of kidnappings, mostly women, mostly in underground laboratories or on a spaceship, about what we have a large number of testimonies. Almost all talking about the same scenes: a kind of factory for producing clones and hybrids fetuses with characteristic heads, disproportionately large in relation to the human body.

According to this theory, “Gray”, or aliens abduct mostly women, to a lesser extent men, temporarily or permanently, to produce a new hybrid species. As such, the clones are produced with the intention to change the race on Earth and create a hybrid species that will be used to plan for global domination of the Grays.

Proponents of this theory argue that this activity has been going on for a long time and that in the meantime been created by many generations of clones, superior and of its "parent", humans and aliens.

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