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Ebola Virus And Conspiracy- Part Two

The biggest surprise and ultimate proof of supporters of the conspiracy theory is the fact that the Ebola virus in Kikwit not only is not mutated during this period - which could be expected, but it is completely identical to the virus isolated in Jambuku! All this was confirmed by the Pasteur Institute in Paris, relevant and the most prestigious institution about virology in the world. Again, the microbiologists were tormented because all living beings, and even viruses, are constantly changing - their DNA mutates. These changes are not large and turbulent, except in exceptional cases, but for today's biochemistry they are highly visible and easily distinguishable.

It is impossible that virus can stay unchanged between two outbreaks. How is that possible? Experts do not have answer probably because they did not have enough scientific courage and honesty to acknowledge that the virus between two epidemics may remain the same only in one case - if someone (individual or institution) kept in the freezer samples of the virus and release them after certain period. Thus, the virus has not mutated just because I was not in nature, but he was in hibernation.

However, scientists still refuse to admit this was conspiracy and they still “accusing” animals for the epidemic. This theory is just not possible. If monkeys hosted of the Ebola virus, then the virus would not be able to disappear in two decades, and to reappear. If it still somehow able to pass the theoretical debates, the fact that the virus appears unchanged - it belongs to the domain of the impossible.

It is interesting to note that the third major Ebola outbreak happening right now. It passed 19 years from the previous epidemic. It is the same period as it was during the first epidemics. Coincidence? We do not think so.

Fortunately, there are people who do not think this way. One of them is Professor Vladimir Nikiforov, who says that there is a possibility that the Ebola virus is used as a biological weapon. He also predict that this dangerous disease can be used as an aerosol and produce fatal consequence for ordinary people.

Many questions are still unanswered. But one thing is clear - Ebola is at the doorsteps of every state and every city in the world. You do not need to be an expert and come to the conclusion that this vicious virus was created in a laboratory and that it skillfully manipulated. The motive for the great crime of this kind can be only one - money. Large multinational corporations which, for now, only suspected of being behind the creation of the Ebola virus can earn enormous sums - if they have the cure for the disease they created. Of course, they will not immediately go on the market with ready-made drug, which is impossible without the proper procedure and opinions.

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