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Mirror - The Mysterious Secret Relationship With 'Other-Worldly' - Part Two

Is this phantasm or not?

A common scene in horror movies is that some of the characters looks in the mirror and saw a completely unknown figure. Sometimes it happens that they see a reflection of an entity 'from the other side' next to themselves, and some see themselves, but with more or less altered facial features.

Because things like this do not happen only in movies, but in real life, many have tried to explain this phenomenon by declaring it a simple optical illusion, while others are considered that it is probably some kind of serious mental disorders.

Italian psychologist Giovanni Caputo recently tried to reach a definitive answer to this question and he organized a study, which involved fifty volunteers. According to his assumption, too see 'somebody else's' face in the mirror, it is necessary to observe yourself ten minutes in a dimly lit room (he used a lamp with a bulb of 25 watts placed behind the participants of the experiment).

After the expiry of ten minutes looking at the mirror, the participants were asked to write down what they saw. 66% of the participants said they have seen big changes in their faces, and among them, 18% had seen the face of theirs mothers or fathers (of which 8% were alive, and 10% were deceased) with a somewhat modified lines, 28% have seen a completely unknown person, in the 18% of cases it was an animal (cat, pig, and the lion), and 48% of them have seen some fantastic or monstrous creature.

Emotional reactions of the participants of the experiment were more interesting. Almost half of them said that the appearance of unknown character in the mirror was accompanied by a feeling that that person looks at them finding inside or outside mirrors, some felt that it was the 'alien' looking at the menacing look that caused them anguish, others stated that his expression was inscrutable, and there were those who regarded it as encouraging.

In case that they saw the face of the deceased family member, they felt desire to ask questions, and monstrous and fantastic creatures are in all those who saw them caused fear and even terror.

Explanation of the Head of this experiment, Giovanni Caputa, for all these effects is that it is possible that there is a visual 'distortions' that occur because our eyesight is trying to recognize the same image again and again, and this eventually leads to errors in its interpretation . Is it right, it remains to be seen.

Still, there is a multitude of rules for placing mirrors in the home. The general rule is that the mirror must not be placed in the bedroom. In Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese science of harmonizing energies in living space, mirrors have a special place and there are strict rules for their installation and use, with special emphasis on the prohibition of their placement in the room where you are sleeping.

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