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The Nazi Hunter- Part Two


After several attempts to find the truth about his uncle, Thomas Harding finally in Military Intelligence Museum at a military base in Bedfordshire, near London, found a record of capturing the commander of Auschwitz, one of the most notorious Nazi war criminal, Rudolf Hess.

On the second page of dossier was the name of his uncle, Hans Alexander

The next six years he spent thoroughly researching the case, about which he wrote a book ...

"Befehl ist Befehl" - Orders are orders, therefore, must be respected

When the British government formed a team for the detection and capture of Nazi criminals, Alexander became one of the first hunters.

British and US investigators have uncovered detailed mechanisms of mass killing.

The inmates, primarily homosexuals and mentally ill, were killed in a truck who were detained while they were released in exhaust gases from the engine. However, the Nazis realized that this method of killing was too slow, making too much noise which attracted the attention of curious. According to Himler’s commands, everything supposed to remain guarded secret Reich.

Himmler, Hess and their people figured out Zyklon B, which was lethal, fast and efficient, and that almost did not have "side effects".

According to expert estimates, at least two and a half million victims were executed in the camp - most of them were killed with Zyklon B poison - while at least another half million succumbed to starvation and disease.

Hess was defending himself at the trial that he was only following orders and that he was a good Nazi. He said that everything he worked, he worked without thinking about the moral consequences, because, as he said: "Befehl ist Befehl" - Orders are orders, therefore, must be respected.

He never showed remorse, on the contrary, he gave the impression of the man who was led by his heart.

Of course, he thought that he and Himmler humanized industry by introducing poison as a means of extermination.

According to him, they designed technically the most effective way of mass killing, Zyklon B, which was simple, torment victims is shortened, and the killer is spared from violent attack of conscience, who are afflicted and the most notorious Nazis.

- We have all been saved from this bloodshed and the victims were spared until the last moment because they did not know what awaited them - explained Hess trial.

The greatest mass murderer of all time

On 16 April 1947, Rudolf Franz Ferdinand Hess - the commander of the most notorious death camps - was hanged for "crimes against the Polish nation."

The gallows were set a few steps from the first gas chambers which used Zyklon B. According to the judgment, but also by his own admission, Rudolf Hess was the biggest mass murderer of all time.

His memoirs, written in the breaks of the trial, are the greatest document on the industry of death ever written.

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