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Unknown Truths Of the World War Two

When we talk about the victories in World War II, people usually say tha Germany had so much success in various battles because of its high technology and because of the army with modern equipment. However, the real truth is little bit different; some of the countries that also were involved in the war were stronger than

Germany and they had more powerful army. In this article, you will learn some new facts of the bloodiest war in the human history.

1) The French had more tanks, guns and people of Germany in 1940

When Germany started invasion on 10 April 1940, only 16 of the 135 division was mechanized or had mechanized transport. The rest relied on horses and stroke. Of the Allies, only France has 117 divisions.

In addition, France has had more guns: Germany had 7738 guns, and the French even more than 10,000. Most of the French tanks was higher, more combat power and had better armor of German "Panzer".

2) Ground forces were not a priority in the United Kingdom

Britain decided before the war that the main force of its army would be air force and navy. Only after the fall of France, they decided to strengthen and ground forces.

Until the spring in 1944, the priority of the armed forces of Britain was aviation. Britain itself was built during the war 132,500 aircraft, which is a staggering achievement bearing in mind that the Royal Air Force in any of the battles had more than 750 fighters.

3) Allied losses ships for supplies accounted for only 1 percent

Allied casualties during the Second World War in the North Atlantic, the Arctic and in national waters amounted to only 1.48 percent. In total, there were 323,090 individual trips, and only the 4786 have been sinking. Of that number, 2,562 were British ships. During the war, about 2.000 ships were sailing every day.

4) The Japanese had a rocket-kamikaze


The Germans were not the only one who had a rocket-powered aircraft during World War II. After the initial victories, Japan could not keep up with US technology. However, they developed "Okha", a rocket driven by man, which was used against Allied ships. After that, the kamikaze managed missiles.

When the plane reached the target, it would launched the rocket, and it would flown to the ship while the pilot would not be "turned on" and crashed at the speed of more than 800 kilometers per hour. Pilots of "Okhe were known as" jinrai Buta "(gods of lightning). Only three Allied ships were sunk.

5) Lost fighter of the German Air Force

While "Messerschmitt" developed "Bf-109", a rival company "Heinkel" is also developing a new plane - "He-112". The first prototypes had similar characteristics. Both planes were flying at a speed greater than 550 kilometers per hour, but Henkel's plane had an amazing range of 1,200 kilometers and some features that were significantly better than even Messerschmittplane Bf-110, which had two engines.

However, Willy Messerschmitt was a party man, and Gering simply adored the plane "Me-110", while Henkel had a "small" Jewish blood, so his project quickly rejected.

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