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Nazi Version of the Jurassic Park

The Nazis created Jurassic Park in the Polish forests! We all know that Hitler and the Nazis wanted to create the Aryan race, a race that would be superior to all other people, but they did not want to stop at our species. They expanded their experiments even further.


The first plan was to resurrect the species that have become extinct before almost 9000 years. The first in a series of animal was extinct wild cattle, called the Tur.

This animal was almost two meters high and enormous horns. They planned to release them after breeding in ancient European forests only so they could hunt them again.

All this is revealed in a survey of British historians, and should soon be shown in the documentary.

As a first step, the Nazi scientists used a special parent breeding herds, which would have served to revive the missing species. During the Second World War, their obsession with the culture of the ancient Germanic peoples was so great that the act of reviving wanted to prove their return to primordial actions tribes.

In order to the German people get the credibility, the whole process was specifically monitored by Herman Goering, Hitler's second man and one of the craziest in the crew. He was also the most bloodthirsty maniac of the Third Reich.

The usual then animals were not enough to him and he was always looking for something more and new challenges in the hunt.

Goering researched ancient documents and paintings on cave walls depicting the tour. Because of that, he traveled around the whole Europe to collect as many data as possible.

He planned to organize the whole farming in German zoos so that the whole process was under control. As we know from other sources, he was a control freak. And the drug addict too.

As the final destination of the large cattle it was selected Polish forest Bialovieza. It had previously been hiding a large number of Jews by the Nazis forcibly expelled or killed.

Last year, there was the theory of the tour made Toby Tucker, a senior lecturer in modern European history at the University of Cardiff.

"It's a great story about how the National Socialist party demanded and wanted itself to give the historical perspective and show its advanced ancestors. They wanted legitimacy for the German people, saying that they are something completely new, but that they have a history of nearly 2,000 years. That they are heirs of Germans who lived in the great forest, "says Tucker.

Creating and revival of this kind of animal it would be a gift to the creation of its own history.

"For Goering, hunting was one of the most important human activities. He believed that special quality is hunting a wild and bloodthirsty animals," explains Professor.

Goering wanted and planned to re-colonize large areas of Eastern Europe with farmed animals. Turs were much larger and more dangerous than current animals.

Like many other Nazi activities, all studies were due to Hitler's wish declared a state secret. Therefore, they were not an easy catch for historians.

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