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Civilization of Giants- Part One

Forget about the midgets, dwarfs, gnomes, elves and all other miniature creatures from the ancient history of our planet. According to the anthropologists and paleoanthropologists, our planet was settled by the gigantic creatures whose civilization preceded a reasonable man (homo sapiens), and whose average height was between 3.5 to 5.5 meters!

Opposite to the Evoluiotn Theory

Given that these fossils found in small numbers, gigantic creatures could not be included into the classical theory of evolution. They are definitely not the famous missing link i the theory of the evolution. These remains are maybe the biggest proof that Darwin was not right and the we are not originate from monkeys.

Thus, based on the findings from archeology, and especially the mythology of the ancients, science is partly reconstructed the world that was once ruled the Earth, in the interglacial period. However, existence of an old civilization in the epoch vurma confirmed first traces of ancient cyclopean buildings and fortifications that science did managed to explain, nor has it ever determined their origin and age. It is primarily the so-called City of the Gods on the peaks of the Andes, known as the Tiahuanacu.

Megalithic empire

So, according the famous glaciologist from the 19th century, Austrian Hans Hoerbiger in his work "Glacial Cosmology ', explained that a race of giants or superhuman beings ruled in the past, which makes the geological epoch of the Earth 300,000 years ago. According to him, it is a civilization of megalithic empire, whose center was the culture created in Tiahuanacu some 288,000 years ago, which was later destroyed by a giant cataclysm, caused great geological crises and disturbances of the Earth's poles.

Tiahuanacu was built in the time diluvia glacial epoch, which was confirmed by the unexpected findings. Scientists believe that in that there was one natural satellite that circled around the Earth, the predecessor of today's Moon, some 100,000 years ago. However, the former Moon created around the equator some kind of wall of water that stood like a stretched ring around the Earth. Due giant gravity and impact of the satellites, there were no tides, but all the water of the sea and the land stood around the equator. Mentioned Moon month caused a gigantic increase in the biological world, which is in science a phenomenon known as gigantism!

Different names

As for the giants, we find a confirmation of their civilization both in scientific circles and in many cultures. As we all known, in the Greece culture an legends these creatures was known as Titans, in Indians - Asura, pueblos of Mexico call them – Mytmans…

Unfortunately, scientists did not manage to provide detailed information about this ancient civilization, except few remains. In other words, we do not know much about those people, except they were huge. However, scientists agree that all their systems are concentrated around the Atlantic Basin, as that his presence talked about homeland last place Giants.

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