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Earth Is Hollow- Part Three

Believers in the Earth hollow theory are not some lonely crazy people that have just a strong imagination and nothing else. No, some of them were and some of them are very serious people who have a good reason to believe in this mysterious discovery. One of them was a German sailor Karl Unger, who was a member of the mission which had a task to research the North Pole with submarine. It was in 1943. In one moment, Unger explained, submarine suddenly entered in the huge hole through hidden passage. The crew members were fascinated with a site, because they met the advanced civilization in the so called Rainbow Island.

Adolf Hitler


It is very interesting that Adolf Hitler also was one of the most agile believers in the Earth hollow theory. This is the reason why many theorists believe that Hitler did not committed suicide in the Berlin during allied offensive. They are convinced that the leader of the Nazi was hiding in the hollow after the World War II.

The US admiral Richard Byrd was another soldier who believed in this theory. He had a diary in which he described all details of the mission to the North Pole. This diary contains a description of the strange and beautiful country inside the Earth, with thousands of lakes and mammoths.

Another soldier, pilot and the colonel of the American Air Force stated that he and his sister (twin sister) were both born in the hollow. His name was Billie Faye Woodward. The best part is that he and his sister was hermaphrodites.


Guy for the previous post Rodney M Cliff organized another mission to the North Pole in 2003. He explained that he got an e mail for the Steve Currey, in which he informed Cliff that he hard form his father a story about a hollow Earth. It was enough and these two adventurers decided to organize the expedition.

They were very active on this. They rented a Russian ice- breaker and started to invite people to join their mission. For the money, of course. This was, as they said, the only way to raise the money. They had a huge success because more than 40 people decided to pay for their seat in the ice- breaker. Just for the record, this was not cheap. Steve was charging more than $ 26.000 per person.

Death Was Faster

Unfortunately, mission did not realized, although they had a date of the beginning- August 2006. Just before their leaving, Steve had to give up because he found out theta he head several brain tumors that were all inoperable. He died.

However, Dr. Brooks Agnew, the second member of the crew, decided to move on and he raised more money for the North Pole mission. It was planned for 2014. Although everything seemed ok, Agnew quitted the mission because of the problems in his company. According to some information, he was forced to give up because the bigger shareholder decided to withdraw the money after he found out his partner was planning the mission.

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