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Monsanto and GMO

Do you know what is the most hated brand or company in the whole world? It is not some of the biggest players in the oil business, such as BP or Schell. It is also not some of the Internet magnates. It is nothing like that. The company we are talking about is so hated, that more than two million people protested against it. It is the Monsanto, of course. The giant in the world of the genetic modified organisms- GMO.

Army of Haters

This is such a huge number of haters, is not it. If you think for the second, you will realize that Monsanto attracted almost the same number of people that the famous protests Occupy. And this company manage to something like that in just one day. O boy, people really hate this company. However, this horrible M company did not deserved this reaction because it ruined national economies around the world. It did not started wars somewhere in the countries is so called Third World. No, it deserved because of these three letters only- GMO.

Behind this term is hidden probably one of the biggest conspiracies in the history. It is a story of the profit by any means. In other words, Monsanto wants to sell its products despite of the suspicion that almost all of them are very harmful for our health. This company dominates the world by blackmailing people. And the worst thing about that is that Monsanto has a support from a number of governments around the world. This is just an awful thing.

Big Danger

Ok, but what GMO actually is? Let’ consult Wikipedia about it. This term refers to the organisms whose genome is changed by certain engineering techniques. This is the pick of the people’s striving to dominate nature. He controls it with it. This is, at least, what we think about it. And the heads in the Monsanto, of course.

However, changing genetic material is not something new. People have been experimenting with different sorts of crops for a long time. If you want, everything we eat today is different than it was some 10.000 years ago. The genetic material of all plants and animals we eats has changed. There is nothing wrong the change. Monsanto does not do it like people from the past. Ordinary people and small farmers were changing their crops during a couple of hundred years. Monsanto did in less than 10 years. And that is really scary. And potential very dangerous.

Where is conspiracy here, some might ask? The most important thing is that we do not know whether these plants or GMO animals dangerous for us. The reason for that is that we do not have established research because it is pretty much new phenomena. Monsanto lobbying around the world that their crops and material become have to be only choice. This is a classical domination and a huge power. We all must stand up against this company. This is our duty as a responsible people.

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