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About Electronic Banking Conspiracy

What the hell is Electronic Banking Conspiracy? Well, according to a number of theorists that are experts in this field, some mysterious group of people is involved in this and the main goal of their activities is, you already guessing, establishing the New World Order. They just want to dominate the world.

Medici Family


This term or just EBCT is very old strategy that started long time ago. It is consist of six stages and first one started in the era of the famous and influent Medici family in Italy, during the Renaissance period. The last stage, as some theorists explain, is already begun because the first step of the final stage was terrorist attack on in America 9/11.

Let’ back in the beginning. Electronic banking Conspiracy started with the substitution of the coined money with paper one. As we said, this all happened in the Renaissance during the Medici family. In the beginning, paper currency was a substitution for the silver or gold and the value of the paper money was equivalent to it. It was very virtual at that time but people adopted this method of trading with time.

Now, when we have credit cards, the level of the virtual money is even higher. Value is not represented in the metal or gold. It is not represented in the paper, neither. Value that people make by their efforts is now represented in the digit numbers that are recorded on the chips or magnetic stripes.

In the final stage, which is now, we do not even need magnetic stripes or chips. Thanks to the Electronic ecommerce and Internet, it all gets to the new level. This also means that all data are concentrated on several servers, which are controlled of a few.

Electronic Bug

What will happen next? It is not hard to guess. According to theorists of this conspiracy, we could expect a huge electronic bug or blackout that will erase all our data. In other word, all our money will be gone for good. This is scenario without happy end, that is for sure. After all money has been lost, the world will face with the chaos and poverty. The whole civilization will be back warded and the years of the progress will be ruined in no time.

However, this final blackout and mass erasing of the data will not come without announcement. We will have several smaller bugs in the banking sector first. This will be an introduction to the end of the civilization as we now know.

In general, these phases of the EBCT are widely adopted across U.S, particularly in the right-wing oriented citizens. American Patriot Friends Network is one of them.

They are convinced that this scenario will be realized very soon, especially because we almost pass all stages of the process. We had substitution of the money and concentration of the information in several centers. It seems that all functioning without any fault. The first one will be crucial. It will be the “failure” in the servers that will not be possible to repair.

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