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Rocky and Internet Marketing

The Rocky is one of my favorite movies. Especially the first one, although the whole serial is just fabulous. I have never met a person who does not like this epic story about the boxer from Philadelphia. However, this is the article about internet marketing and what the hell Rocky Balboa has with it. At the first glance, nothing actually. If you think for the second, Rocky is the paradigm of the internet marketing. I show you how.

The first thing you have to do, besides thinking, is to watch the movie once again. Observe how he became the champ. He was not rich, he was not a person who we could consider as a lucky guy and, finally, he was not even better boxer that the competitors. He was just an average fighter. However, he had heart. He was focused only on his goal and he was determinate to beat actual number one. He trained as lunatic.

This is the first lesson for all those who want to make success in the internet marketing. You have to decide to never give up and to try as much as you can, An even more than that. You have to be 11 percent committed to your business, no matter it is day or night, Christmas Eve or someone’s birthday. It just does not matter.

Just do not make any excuse about lack of time or money. Rocky did not. He trained so hard because he believed that he would the champ. You have to believe in yourself and your ideas. Just work and never stop. Results will come at the end. You see how Rocky and internet marketing have something in common. It is just in the perspective.

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