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The Celebrity Illuminati Members

All those who have read even one article about the Illuminati, they know that this secret occult is focused on establishing the so-called New World Order. The members of this mysterious movement act as a government in the deep shadow that pull all strings in the global politics and economy. For some, they are real rulers of the world. Some of them are, allegedly, the most influent people in the world.

Global Domination

It is very interesting that people talk about this mysterious society despite the fact it is secret and that act in the total underground. The most of those theories are just the fascinating stories that are not based in the reality and truth. They are more as a fairytales. The majority of the experts in the Illuminati case would swore that Illuminati strive for the global domination and that they are using the power of the media culture, parapsychology and culture in general for achieving their goals.

According to some sources, Illuminati are not the consistent organization with one central government. This movement includes several different societies and fraternal orders that are organized in the hierarchy order. One of the most intrigue circles are so called Celebrity Illuminati Members.

New Word Order

The communication between the New World Order Members is also very interesting. It is not just about the langue and strange behavior. This strange communication is performed with a number of the ancient symbols and secret rituals that are recognizable only to the members. For other, such signs are just ordinary symbols that do not mean anything. However, we can find those symbols at almost every corner, especially as the parts of the city architecture, logos of some companies, banknotes, public squares…


You do not believe us. Ok, let’s take one experiment. Just take an ordinary greenback of one US dollar and watch it very carefully. Do you see the big eye (All Seeing Eye) on the pyramid illustration? This is one of the most recognizable Illuminati symbols. The same situation is with the Latin line “Novus Ordo Seclokrum”. If you not familiar with this “dead” language, it means New World Order. As you can see, their traces are everywhere.

Bush and Other US Presidents

Edward House was the person who used the term New World Order for the first time. It was in 1926. This term was related with the famous Council of the Foreign Relations, the institution that was, allegedly, connected with the Illuminati organization. However, we have some examples for modern history as well. Do you remember the president George Bush? He used this term in his speech in 1990.

However, Bush was not the only member of the secret societies. We now have a number of evidence that several others US presidents were also involved in secret movements. We, however, do not know did they also were members of the Illuminati order. On the other hand, we know that some of the US presidents were the full members of the Freemasonry brotherhood, the movement that is not so secret these days.

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