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Hidden Nuclear Disaster

The street fights in Ukraine is not the worst thing that happened last year in this country in the east of the Europe. Something really strange is happening in the Ukraine right now, but the worst thing is that the public does not know almost anything about it. This is currently one of the best kept secrets and just a few people know what is hidden behind this silence. We are now facing with possible nuclear catastrophe, which, if those predictions are true, could be even worst that the catastrophes in Fukushima and Chernobyl!

Problems in Zaporozhe

As we said, we do not have enough information because we had just a few brief reports about the accident during the last week and possible nuclear problems in the Zaporozhe. The biggest problem is that we still do not have verification of the accident because Ukraine’s officials behave as if everything is ok. However, some witnesses have testified that investigators detected the radiation spike with the Geiger counter a few hundred kilometers away from the nuclear plant.

Although this initial spike was not big, people get panicked, especially because officials remained silent during the past weeks. Some people state they have hacked files from nuclear which proves that something went wrong recently.

The small amount of the radiation that is detected with the Geiger counter in the Crime region (150 kilometers from the Zaporozhe) is not the reason for relaxing. People should know that this device is designed to detect the radiation in one particular area, which means that results cannot be valid if the measurement was conducted from the distance. For the valid results, we have to measure the radiation near the plant. Everything else is just wasting of time.

In addition, we should be suspicious about these initial results because all detectors have to be certified and calibrated if we want to get the real results. It is also known that radiation counters are very sensitive devices that have to be retested over the time. The values and the rang- list of the critique level of the radiation is also something that should be changed, especially after the nuclear accident in the Fukushima in Japan.

The Biggest Nuclear Plant

In this situation of the silence, almost all countries in Europe are under a high risk of radiation and they have to decide what they would do to protect their citizens. As you know, the radioactive particles do not know anything about the national borders and they can fly thru the air for thousands of miles.

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However, what we can do if we do not know anything. We have just the sporadic information and a couple of disputable measurements. And that is all. Is this the reason to take a break from the cataclysmic scenarios? Hell, no. Just do not believe to the Ukraine’s officials. For them, Zaporozhe case is closed. In fact, it never happened. They stated that nothing unusual happened.

And what if the nuclear fuel is leaking? Well, this would be the worst catastrophe in the modern history, that is for sure. Especially if we know the nuclear plant in the Zaporozhe is the biggest in the Europe. God help us all.

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