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GMO Manipulation

The latest G8 Summit, a regular gathering of leaders of eight the most powerful states in the world, was very interesting. President of the US Obama met behind the closed doors with the leaders of some African states and bosses of some major private industries in order to establish so called “New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition”. Behind this innocent term is hidden scary idea of the trading with GMO crops and toxic fertilizers, so as further slavery of the poor farmers, who already have huge debts. It is a concept of the new age slavery of the private farmers and profitable game for the big corporations.

Bono's Mission

Not only politicians and businessmen were at that meeting. The persistence of one person was particularly interesting. That person was Bono, the leader of the famous Irish band U2. What the hell he was doing there? He represented the interests of the Monsanto company- the largest producer and trader of the GMO crops in the world.

The whole concept is conducting under the optimistic headline Green Revolution and the famous Obama’s plan of the “Global Agricultural Development”. In the second stage of this process, some African countries such as Tanzania and Ghana would experience the same faith as the countries from the first stage- Mozambique or Cote D’Ivoire. And how this fate looks like. The private farmers in those countries are devastated and they work as slaves for the big company. No matter what they produce and how big their yields are, they are in constant debts and they are sliding into the poverty with every single day. These are the real results of the “altruistic” “Grow Africa Partnership” plan.


It’s phase 2 of the Green Revolution. Tanzania, Ghana, and Ethiopia are the first to fall for the deception, with Mozambique, Cote D’Ivoire, Burkina Faso and other African nations lining up for the “Grow Africa Partnership,” under Obama’s “Global Agricultural Development” plan.

Scott Creighton wrote that African people do not want to participate in this kind of the Public private partnership, because they do not want their continent to be exploited any more. They are aware how this partnership ended in India not so long ago.


According to some sources, the whole project worth about 3 billion dollars and Obama with that money wants to “connect” individual partners from Africa and big players, such as mentioned Monsanto, PepsiCo or Wal-Mart. The creators of this concept want to give the companies permission that only they can build the huge silos or to trade with seed and fertilizers.

This is the moment when the musician star jumps into the game. Bono want to persuade the African people that the public private cooperation is the only way for the hunger’s eradication ant escape for the poverty. Small farmers are not thrilled with the idea at all. They know that the big companies will ruin their small farms and that they would not be able to compete with global players on the market.

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