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Lost Ancient Technology

Greek National Archeological Museum in Athens possesses one of the most valuable collections in the world and represents an indispensable textbook of the human history. However, one particular item attracts special attention of the experts and scientists. It is unusual small object that was discovered in the wreck of an old ship, which was lying at the bottom of the sea for the centuries. The item we talk about is Antikythera Mechanism.

Complex Device


Although the scientists initially thought the object represent some kind of the device for calculating time or advanced calendar, new evidences have shown this item is much more complicated.

First of all, this strange item has shown that people from the ancient times knew that planets moves around the sun, despite of the official science of that time. As we know, the main theories in Ancient Greek had assumed the Earth is in the center of the universe and that the Sun moves around our planet. This is what the greatest minds of that time thought about the Solar System. One of the greatest among them was Aristotle.

Knowledge From The Past

The Antikythera Mechanism is important because this object proves just the opposite. Apparently, ancient people knew something that was more complex and closer to the theories of our times. They knew about the heliocentric theory!

The Greek divers discovered this fascinating object in 1901 in the old Roman ship. They had to dive almost 140 feet to reach it. The mechanism was in the same package with another 82 bronze pieces. According to the historians, these objects were in use around 87 BC.

The strangest thing about this mechanism is its complex structure, because this is the oldest known device with gear system. In addition, this similar mechanism has been used for the analogue computers!

The scientists have figured out what the object really is after they repaired and cleaned it. They noticed the machine had the same structure as a mechanical clock, with gear system and differentials. In addition, they discovered several different operating modes, which were probably used for the lunar calculation and for the determination the position of the sun and planets.

It was shocking because it was assumed this advanced technology was not known to the people before 1575.

Present Tecjnologies

As all of you know we have also our present technologies which are no less fascinating ! Just take for example the internet and the Internet marketing Nische - tracking codes remarketing and all of this without even seeing the person. i just wanted you to remember that we are no less advanced then our ancient cultuers. so next time when you use your email be awar e of it !

Olympic Games

However, the newest theories about Antikythera Mechanism have shown this device was also used for some more ordinary things. Tony Freeth from the Antikythera Mechanism Research Program said this item was used for establishing the Olympic Games schedule. Although some might think it was unnecessary for Greeks to use this complex device for that purpose, especially when we know the Olympics held every four years, this might be a reasonable answer. Why? Because the Greeks were obsessed with the Olympics- it was one of the biggest events in their culture.

Whatever the purpose of this mechanism was, it is still covered with great mystery and represent another proof for the lost ancient technology. In addition, Antikythera Mechanism could be a reason to re-examine our understanding of history.

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