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The Nazca Lines - Mystery From Peru

There are many different geoglyphs in the world, those intrigue and fascinating drawings or geometric schemes on the ground that can bee seen from the air. Nobody knows who made it and when drawings have occurred for the first time. However, these drawings are here. They are saying something to us.

Drawings In The Sand

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The most famous geoglyphs are known as a Nazca Lines, located in Peru. These complex drawings were made in the desert sand and show large contours of different shapes, such as humans, animals and strange bugs.

This unusual message covers an area of 53 miles and it is located between Nazca and Palpa in Peru. Some investigators and scientists assume it was made in the period from 200 BC to 700 AD. The drawings are now under the protection of the UNESKO and represent one of the most popular tourist destinations in the South America.

As we said, the best place for observing Lines is from the air. Although people knew about these strange shapes in the desert for a long time, the serious investigations have begun in 1927.

The clime in the Nazca desert is brutal and difficult for surviving. The average annual temperature is more than 25 Celsius, which makes this desert extremely dry. According to some geologists, it is the driest place on the Earth.

This specific atmosphere and lack of the wind over the Nazca desert is responsible for the conservation process of the geoglyphs. Despite of the age of the drawings, they are still in good condition.

Ancient City

The center of the Nazca civilization was in the Chuachi city on the south of the desert. Some archeologists assume this city could be the key for revealing the Line’s mysteries. There are some traces that indicate the city was the major religious center, with sacred objects and pyramids.

Although there is a lack of the additional information and data about this ancient civilization, it is not hard to conclude the Nazca people had advanced technology, especially in urban planning. Its complex water supply system and sewage are, despite all expectations, still in function.

Theories about the purpose of the Nazca Lines are endless. According to the Marie Reiche, German scientist who has most experience about it, these drawings were built as some kind of huge calendar or device for the time calculation. In fact, this theory is now accepted from other scientists and represents the most likely solution. At least for now.

Theories and conspiracy

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Of course, the theories do not stop here. Some think the Lines are evidence for great Nazca cult and represents strong but unknown power. Others think it is the map for the waterfall under the desert and the entrance to the land of the unimaginable wealth- the entrance of the Eldorado.

Since the geoglyphs in Nazca desert could be seen only from air, some theorists think it is a communication portal that was built is cooperation with the aliens.

Whatever these drawings actually represent, they have some strange effect on human imagination, which opens the doors to the endless theories and possible conspiracies.

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